e-Vidhan System for Paperless Legislation – Significance and the challenges

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Context: A delegation of MLAs from Gujarat visited the UP Legislative Assembly to learn about the novel e-Vidhan system for paperless proceedings that has been recently adopted by the UP-state assembly.

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What is the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) system?

  • The NeVA system has been developed to make all the work and data related to legislative bodies available online for the use of both citizens and the members of Assemblies.
  • It includes a website and a mobile app.

Why is NeVA being introduced?

  • This has been done for streamlining information related to various state assemblies, and to eliminate the use of paper in day-to-day functioning.

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Significance of NeVA

The shift towards digitization:

  • There has been a shift towards digitization in recent years by the government.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned the idea of a “One Nation One Legislative Platform” in November 2021.
  • According to him, it is a digital platform, a portal that not only gives the necessary technological boost to our parliamentary system but also works to connect all the democratic units of the country.

Has this been done elsewhere?

  • Though both Houses of Parliament have not gone fully digital yet, governments world over are heading towards embracing the digital mode.
  • In December 2021, the Government of Dubai became the world’s first government to go 100 per cent paperless.
  • The US government announced in 2019 that by the end of 2022, all government agencies would stop dealing with paper.

What are the challenges?

  • Access, particularly for legislators representing rural constituencies, to devices and reliable internet and electricity is an issue.
  • Lack of training and heightened concerns over security are some more recent issues on the road to digitization.

Practice Question for Mains

  1. Discuss the e-Vidhan system for paperless legislation. (10 Marks, 150 Words).
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