[Indepth] Forever Chemicals (PFAS): How They’re Harming Your Health Without You Knowing

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Recent findings in India have unveiled a concerning presence of toxic ‘forever chemicals’, or PFAS, in everyday items such as bandages, with studies indicating that a significant percentage of these products contain harmful levels of these substances. This revelation has sparked alarm due to PFAS’s links to serious health issues, including cancer and liver damage, and has highlighted the urgent need for regulatory action and public awareness regarding the pervasive nature of these chemicals in consumer products and the environment.

Forever Chemicals (PFAS) upsc mindmap

What are Forever Chemicals

  • Definition of “Forever Chemicals” (PFAS)
    • Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a diverse group of human-made chemicals that are resistant to water, oil, and heat.
    • Due to their carbon-fluorine bonds, one of the strongest in organic chemistry, PFAS are persistent in the environment and the human body.
  • Overview of their properties and why they are a concern
    • PFAS are known for their persistence, as they do not break down easily in the environment or in living organisms.
    • They can accumulate in the human body over time, leading to potential adverse health effects such as cancer, thyroid disease, and immune system effects.
    • Environmental consequences include contamination of water sources and impact on wildlife, as PFAS can bioaccumulate in animals.
  • Brief history of PFAS usage globally
    • PFAS have been used in various industries and consumer products since the 1940s due to their unique properties.
    • Common applications include non-stick cookware, stain-resistant fabrics, firefighting foams, and food packaging.
    • The widespread use and environmental persistence of PFAS have led to global contamination, including in remote areas.

The Science of PFAS

  • Chemical structure and characteristics of PFAS
    • PFAS are characterized by their carbon-fluorine (C-F) bonds, which are among the strongest in organic chemistry, contributing to their resistance to degradation.
    • The electronegativity and small size of fluorine atoms result in PFAS having low polarizability, leading to weak intermolecular interactions such as Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding.
    • PFAS possess hydro- and lipophobic (stain-resistant) properties, making them thermally and chemically stable, although not all PFAS exhibit surface activity.
  • Types of PFAS and their common uses in consumer products and industries
    • Non-stick cookware: Utilized for their ability to provide a slick, easy-to-clean surface.
    • Waterproof clothing: Employed in textiles to repel water and stains, enhancing durability and longevity.
    • Food packaging: Applied to paper and cardboard products to prevent oil and water from soaking through.
    • Firefighting foams: Used for their effectiveness in extinguishing oil and gas fires, a property derived from their surfactant capabilities.
  • How PFAS enter and persist in the environment
    • PFAS can migrate into soil, water, and air during production and use, due to their widespread application and environmental persistence.
    • These substances are hardly degradable under natural conditions, leading to their accumulation in various environmental matrices and living organisms.
    • PFAS contamination is often found near sites where they are produced or used, such as military bases and airports, due to the use of PFAS-containing firefighting foams.
PFAS Cycle

Health and Environmental Impacts

  • Accumulation in the human body and environment
    • PFAS are environmental pollutants with a significant potential for bioaccumulation in human tissues, excluding fat tissue, and are mostly excreted through urine in animal models.
    • These substances are found globally in water, air, soil, and within various organisms, indicating their pervasive nature and ability to persist in the environment.
  • Health risks associated with PFAS exposure
    • Cancer
      • Exposure to PFAS has been linked to an elevated risk of certain cancers, including kidney and testicular cancers, with PFOA recently classified as a human carcinogen.
    • Thyroid disease
      • PFAS exposure may interfere with the body’s natural hormones, potentially leading to thyroid disorders.
    • Reproductive issues
      • Studies suggest that PFAS exposure can lead to reproductive effects such as decreased fertility or increased high blood pressure in pregnant women.
    • Immune system effects
      • PFAS may reduce the body’s immune response, including a decreased vaccine response, and are considered an immune hazard to humans.
  • Environmental consequences
    • Contamination of water sources
      • PFAS can move through soils, contaminating drinking water sources and accumulating in aquatic environments.
    • Impact on wildlife
      • Animals exposed to PFAS contamination can accumulate these substances, which may lead to possible impacts on their health, although the full extent of these effects is still being studied.

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Global Response to PFAS Pollution

  • Regulatory actions and bans in various countries
    • The European Union is considering a comprehensive ban on PFAS due to their persistent and potentially toxic nature, with a focus on precautionary principles.
    • New Zealand has announced plans to completely prohibit PFAS-containing firefighting foams by December 2025.
    • Australia has established the Intergovernmental Agreement on a National Framework for Responding to PFAS Contamination, aiming to phase out PFAS use.
    • In the United States, the EPA has released Lifetime Health Advisory Limits for PFOS and PFOA and is actively working on PFAS regulation through various legislative acts.
    • Queensland and South Australia have implemented bans on the use of firefighting foams containing PFOS and PFOA.
  • Efforts to clean up contaminated sites
    • The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is investigating sites with known or suspected soil and groundwater contamination by PFAS.
    • The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has developed a PFAS Blueprint, outlining strategies for cleaning up contaminated sites and preventing further pollution.
    • The U.S. Department of Energy is being assessed by the Government Accountability Office for its PFAS cleanup efforts on DOE sites.
    • The Washington State Department of Ecology has regulated PFAS under the state’s environmental cleanup law.
  • Research on alternatives to PFAS
    • The OECD is facilitating the transition towards safer alternatives to PFAS, including non-fluorinated options, and assessing the associated risks to human health and the environment.
    • The EPA’s New Chemicals Program is reviewing substitutes for PFOA and related chemicals to ensure that new substances are safer alternatives.
    • Research is being conducted to identify and understand the exposure risks of fluorinated alternatives to long-chain PFASs, with a focus on source identification and quantification.

PFAS in India: A Closer Look

  • Prevalence of PFAS in India’s environment
    • Studies and reports on water and soil contamination
      • Research indicates the presence of PFAS in various environmental matrices in India, including surface waters and groundwater.
      • The Ganges River has been identified as containing detectable concentrations of PFAS, particularly PFOA and PFOS.
      • PFAS contamination has been reported in the surface/subsurface water and groundwater, affecting dairy production and potentially impacting cattle and crop production.
  • Sources of PFAS pollution in India
    • Industrial discharge
      • Industrial activities contribute to the release of PFAS into the environment, leading to contamination of water sources.
    • Use of firefighting foams
      • Firefighting foams containing PFAS are a significant source of environmental contamination. Stockpiles of such foams have been reported, and their use has led to pollution in areas like the Ina River downstream from Osaka International Airport, indicating similar risks could be present in India.
  • Government and regulatory response
    • Existing regulations on chemical pollution
      • India’s regulatory framework for managing chemical pollution is evolving, with efforts to integrate climate change concerns into sustainable development, which may encompass PFAS management.
    • Actions taken or proposed against PFAS
      • The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, which includes PFAS in its restricted list, has been ratified by India, indicating a commitment to monitoring and potentially regulating these chemicals.
      • The Bureau of Indian Standards has adopted criteria for sampling and testing that could be relevant to PFAS, although specific actions on PFAS regulation are not detailed.
  • Public awareness and advocacy efforts
    • Role of NGOs and environmental groups
      • Non-governmental organizations and environmental groups are active in raising awareness and pushing for regulatory action on PFAS pollution in India.
    • Media coverage and public campaigns
      • Media reports and public campaigns are increasingly bringing attention to the issue of PFAS contamination, contributing to public awareness and advocacy.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Challenges in managing PFAS pollution in India
    • Lack of awareness
      • The general public and many policymakers in India are not fully aware of the dangers posed by PFAS, hindering effective action against these chemicals.
    • Limited research and data
      • There is a significant gap in comprehensive research and data on PFAS contamination levels, sources, and impacts within India, making it difficult to assess the full extent of the problem and devise targeted solutions.
    • Economic and industrial pressures
      • India’s focus on industrial growth and economic development often takes precedence over environmental concerns, leading to continued use and discharge of PFAS without adequate consideration of the long-term environmental and health consequences.
  • Opportunities for India in addressing PFAS pollution
    • Development and adoption of safer alternatives
      • There is potential for India to lead in the innovation and adoption of non-PFAS alternatives in various industries, promoting safer products and processes.
    • Strengthening environmental regulations
      • By updating and enforcing stricter environmental regulations specifically targeting PFAS, India can significantly reduce PFAS pollution and protect public health and the environment.
    • International collaboration for knowledge and resource sharing
      • Engaging in international collaborations can provide India with access to advanced research, technologies, and strategies for managing PFAS pollution, benefiting from the experiences and lessons learned by other countries.


  • Summary of the global and Indian context of PFAS pollution
    • Globally, PFAS pollution is recognized as a critical environmental and public health issue due to the persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxic effects of these chemicals.
    • In India, the presence of PFAS in the environment, particularly in water and soil, has been documented, highlighting the country’s specific challenges in managing these pollutants amidst rapid industrialization and economic growth.
    • The response to PFAS pollution has varied, with some countries implementing strict regulations and bans, while India is still in the early stages of addressing the issue, with limited awareness and regulatory action.
  • The importance of continued vigilance and action against “Forever Chemicals”
    • The persistent nature of PFAS, combined with their potential for long-term health and environmental impacts, underscores the need for ongoing vigilance and proactive measures to mitigate their presence and effects.
    • Addressing PFAS pollution requires a multifaceted approach, including monitoring, research, public education, and the development of safer alternatives, to protect both current and future generations.
  • Call to action for policymakers, industries, and the public
    • Policymakers are urged to strengthen regulations and support research and monitoring efforts to better understand and control PFAS pollution.
    • Industries should prioritize the development and adoption of non-PFAS alternatives, reducing the reliance on these harmful chemicals in products and processes.
    • The public can play a crucial role by staying informed about PFAS risks, supporting environmental initiatives, and advocating for stronger protective measures to ensure a healthier, PFAS-free environment.

Practice Question

Evaluate the challenges and opportunities that India faces in addressing PFAS pollution, and suggest measures for effective management of these ‘forever chemicals’. (250 words)

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