Rajasthan’s Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill

Rajasthan's Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill 
Passed by Rajasthan state assembly
State legislation
To guarantee adult population of Gujarat with wages or pensions
Three categories
Right to minimum guaranteed income
Right to guaranteed employment
Right to guaranteed social security pension
Guaranteed employment provision
For all state families for 125 days per year
Indira Gandhi Shahri Rozgar Guarantee Yojana for urban areas
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in rural areas
MGNREGS provides guaranteed employment for 100 days
Rajasthan government increased this to 125 days
Additional 25 days supplemented by state government
Program officer implementation
Not below rank of Block Development Officer in rural areas
Executive Officer of local body in urban areas
Ensure work site within 5 km of job card registration
Failure to provide employment within 15 days leads to
Entitlement to unemployment allowance on a weekly basis
"Not later than a fortnight"
Minimum pension provision
For the aged, disabled, widows, and single women
Rs 1,000 per month
Annual increase at 15%
Additional government expenditure
Rs 2,500 crore per year

This topic of “Rajasthan’s Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill” is important from the perspective of the UPSC IAS Examination, which falls under General Studies Portion.


  • The Rajasthan state assembly has passed the Rajasthan’s Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill.

What is the Bill?

  • It is a state legislation aimed at guaranteeing wages or pensions to the adult population of Rajasthan.

Highlights of the Bill

  1. Three Categories of Guaranteed Income:
    • Right to minimum guaranteed income
    • Right to guaranteed employment
    • Right to guaranteed social security pension
  2. Guaranteed Employment Provision:
    • All state families are entitled to guaranteed employment for 125 days per year.
    • In urban areas, it is implemented through the “Indira Gandhi Shahri Rozgar Guarantee Yojana.”
    • In rural areas, it is implemented through the “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act” (MGNREGA).
    • The MGNREGA initially provides guaranteed employment for 100 days, but the Rajasthan government has increased this to 125 days by supplementing an additional 25 days.
  3. Program Officer Implementation:
    • In rural areas, the implementation is overseen by a Program Officer not below the rank of Block Development Officer.
    • In urban areas, the Executive Officer of the local body is responsible for implementation.
    • The employment provided should be within 5 km of the job card registration.
    • If employment is not provided within 15 days of registration, the individual is entitled to receive unemployment allowance on a weekly basis.
  4. Minimum Pension Provision:
    • A minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month is provided to the aged, disabled, widows, and single women.
    • The pension amount is subject to an annual increase of 15%.

Significance of the Bill

  • The implementation of the Rajasthan’s Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill will result in additional government expenditure amounting to Rs 2,500 crore per year.

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