How has the emphasis on certain crops brought about changes in cropping patterns in recent past? Elaborate the emphasis on millets production and consumption. (250 words)

In India, the cropping pattern has undergone significant changes in the recent past due to the emphasis on certain crops. One such emphasis is on millets production and consumption.

Changes in Cropping Patterns: The emphasis on certain crops has brought about changes in cropping patterns in the following ways:

  1. Increased production of cash crops – The emphasis on cash crops such as sugarcane, cotton, and tobacco has led to a shift in cropping patterns from traditional food crops to these cash crops.
  2. Decline in traditional crops – The emphasis on certain crops has led to a decline in the cultivation of traditional crops such as millets, pulses, and oilseeds, which are nutritionally important and provide livelihoods to small farmers.
  3. Increase in irrigated agriculture – The emphasis on certain crops has led to an increase in irrigated agriculture as these crops require more water and nutrients than traditional crops.

Emphasis on Millets Production and Consumption: In recent years, there has been a renewed emphasis on millets production and consumption. The following points highlight the emphasis on millets:

  1. Nutritional benefits – Millets are highly nutritious and rich in protein, fiber, and micronutrients. They are also gluten-free, making them an ideal food for people with celiac disease.
  2. Climate-resilient – Millets are climate-resilient and can withstand droughts and floods, making them ideal crops for rain-fed areas.
  3. Livelihoods – The cultivation of millets provides livelihoods to small farmers and can also help in addressing food security issues.
  4. Government initiatives – The government has launched various initiatives such as the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture and the National Food Security Mission to promote the production and consumption of millets.

In conclusion, the emphasis on certain crops has brought about changes in cropping patterns in India. The renewed emphasis on millets production and consumption has the potential to provide numerous benefits such as improving nutrition, promoting climate-resilient agriculture, and providing livelihoods to small farmers. The government needs to continue its efforts to promote the production and consumption of millets and other traditional crops to ensure food security and sustainable agriculture in the country.

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