How does Moon impact Earth?

Impact of Moon on Earth upsc notes
Successful launch of India's Chandrayaan 3 mission to the moon
Formation of Earth and Moon
Occurred around 4.5 billion years ago
Summary of the process
Small particles in the early solar system
Collided and stuck together, forming larger objects
Called planetesimals
Eventually protoplanets
Giant Impact
Mars-sized protoplanet Theia collided with the young Earth
Caused a massive impact that ejected debris into space
Formation of the Moon
Debris from the impact began to orbit the Earth
Eventually came together to create the Moon
Both Earth and Moon underwent differentiation
Materials separated based on density
Heavier elements sank towards the core
Lighter elements rose to the surface, forming distinct layers
Lunar Evolution
The Moon cooled and solidified over time
Experienced volcanic activity and large impact events
Led to the formation of craters, basins, and other geological features
Like lunar maria
The moon's impact on the evolution of life on Earth
Water on Earth
Delivered large quantities of water to Earth
The deliverer: the planet Theia that collided with Earth
Impact on Tectonic Plates
The moon’s pull of gravity might have set our tectonic plates
Impact of moon’s gravitational pull
Helps transport heat away from the equator and towards the poles
Fundamentally shapes the earth’s climate
Impact on Earth’s rotation
Stabilizes the Earth’s rotation on its axis by slowing Earth’s rotation on its axis
Helps stabilize Earth’s axial tilt and its climate
This stability has allowed for the development of seasons
Which have had a significant impact on the distribution of water and the evolution of life
Impact on Earth
Stabilizes Earth’s climate
Transports heat
Helps regulate the Earth’s rotation on its axis
Impact of Tides
Regular movement of water that exposes the land at the edge of the ocean
Could have encouraged life to adapt and move from the oceans to land
Impact on biological cycle
Lunar cycles affect the reproductive cycles of marine life and other animal behaviours
The laying and hatching of turtles’ eggs depend on the timings of tides
Moonlight affects the behaviour of nocturnal animals and triggers species-wide reproduction
Example: Corals
Moon holds much significance for humankind
From geological as well as space exploration points of view
India’s Chandrayaan 3 mission
A step to better understand the moon’s geology and its potential for humankind

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