Why ‘de-dollarization’ is imminent?

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  • The war in Ukraine and the subsequent economic sanctions.

What the editorial is about?

  • How do these economic sanctions trigger central banks to go back to their drawing boards to reassess their dependency on the greenback?


  • Dollarization usually happens when a country’s own currency loses its usefulness as a medium of exchange, due to hyperinflation or instability.
  • Dollarization is when a country begins to recognize the U.S. dollar as a medium of exchange or legal tender alongside or in place of its domestic currency.
  • De-dollarization is the intent of nations to trade exclusively in local currency.
  • Most recently, some countries such as Iran and Russia announced their intention to do so, positioning themselves to be less affected by U.S. financial sanctions.
  • The imposition of sanctions and the exclusion from SWIFT by the US could trigger a faster de-dollarization as countries displaying diplomatic and economic autonomy will be wary of using US-dominated global banking systems.

New Russia-China Payment System

  • Efforts are already underway for the possible introduction of a new Russia-China payment system, bypassing SWIFT and combining the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) with the Chinese CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System).

Global forex market

  • This can also trigger a shift in the overall global forex market framework.
  • The US dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency, can see a steady fall in the current context as leading central banks may look to diversify their reserves away from it to other assets or currencies like the Euro, Renminbi or gold.

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Response of China and Russia

Three-pronged efforts of Russia

  • Russia had started its three-pronged efforts towards de-dollarization in 2014 when sanctions were imposed on it for the annexation of Crimea.
  • However, these steps haven’t sufficed to effectively shield “fortress Russia”.

Trading platforms and digital currency

  • China, on the other hand, aims to use trading platforms and its digital currency to promote de-dollarization.
  • China has established RMB trading centres in Hong Kong, Singapore and Europe.

Global Sovereign Digital Currency Governance

  • In 2021, the People’s Bank of China submitted a “Global Sovereign Digital Currency Governance” proposal at the Bank for International Settlements to influence global financial rules via its digital currency, the e-Yuan.

 Special Drawing Rights

  • The IMF has already added Yuan to its SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket in 2016.
  • In 2017, the European Central Bank exchanged EUR 500 million worth of its forex reserves into Yuan-denominated securities.

RMB convertibility

  • However, the lack of full RMB convertibility will hinder China’s de-dollarization ambition.

Despite these efforts, the US dollar continues to reign

Global Trade

  • Currently, about 60 per cent of foreign exchange reserves of central banks and about 70 per cent of global trade is conducted using USD.

The collapse of the Bretton Woods system

  • The status of the dollar was enhanced by the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, which essentially eliminated other developed market currencies from competing with the USD.


  • The association of the USD as a “safe-haven” asset also has a psychological angle to it and like old habits, people continue to view the currency as a relatively risk-free asset.

How the dominance of the dollar helps the US government?

  • This status of the reserve currency allows the US government to refinance its debt at a low cost in addition to providing foreign policy leverage.
  • Additionally, sudden dumping of dollar assets by adversarial central banks will also pose balance sheet risks to them as it will erode the value of their overall dollar-denominated holdings.

Way Forward

  • Demographic factors will continue to challenge Europe’s growth prospects.
  • The rise of Asia as an economic powerhouse will raise the importance of currencies like the Yuan and the Indian rupee.
  • But, while the frequent use of the US dollar as a potential weapon for achieving foreign policy objectives will no doubt accelerate the process of de-dollarization, there is still a long road ahead.

Practice Question for Mains

  1. Diversification away from USD is meant to insulate economies from geopolitical risks. Critically comment. (250 Words, 15 Marks)
Referred Sources

Indian Express


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