Copernicus Program

Copernicus Program celebrates its 25th anniversary today.
- It is the earth observation component of the EU Space Program.
- Earlier known as GMES/ Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Program.
- Integrates data from satellite sources (i.e. Sentinel satellites) and non-satellite sources including measurement systems- ground-based, airborne and seaborne.
- Designed to provide data on the environment, to aid:
- Sectors like agriculture
- Climate change understanding
- Disaster management
- Urban planning, etc.
- Implemented by European Commission, with the support of
- European Space Agency- for space component
- European Environment Agency- for the in situ component
- Also involves:
- European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites/ EUMETSAT
- European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts/ ECMWF
- Mercator Océan
- Other EU Agencies
- Named after the 15th century Polish scientist, Nicolaus Copernicus- he proposed the heliocentric universe model i.e. that the sun is at the centre.
- Launched on June 8th, 1988.
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