UPSC Result 2019 (Final) Out – Pradeep Singh is All India Rank 1 in Civil Services Exam 2019-20

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published the final results of the Civil Services Exam (CSE) 2019.
Pradeep Singh is the all-India topper. A total of 829 candidates have been recommended by the commission out of 927 vacancies for the appointment to several central government services like IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc.
UPSC Result 2019-20
The rigorous exam cycle (2019-20) to select the best brains in the country for the top bureaucratic positions started with the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam on June 02, 2019. Prelims was followed by the UPSC Main Exam started on Sep 20, 2019. Those who qualified for the main exam (written) were asked to appear for the UPSC personality test which was conducted in feb-aug 2020.
Toppers of UPSC CSE 2019
- Pradeep Singh is the all India topper.
- Jatin Kishore secured the 2nd rank.
- Pratibha Verma stood third.
- Himanshu Jain – 4th
- Jeydev C S – 5th
The full rank list (PDF) of UPSC CSE 2019 can be downloaded by clicking the button below.
[maxbutton id=”5″ url=”” text=”DOWNLOAD PDF” ]
829 candidates have been recommended as per the following breakup:
- General – 304
- EWS – 78
- OBC – 251
- SC – 129
- ST – 67
Total – 829
Total Vacancies: 927
Congratulations to all UPSC toppers! Share your story!
IAS EXPRESS would like to congratulate all those who successfully cleared the Civil Services Exam. Our best wishes as you begin the journey to serve the nation.
We welcome all the toppers to share their story on our platform to inspire future aspirants. Our readers are very eager to know from the toppers their preparation strategies. That would also help us to improve our platform according to your feedback.
UPSC Toppers can share their story, experience, preparation methods, success tips, etc with us. Please feel free to connect with us on contact[at]iasexpress[dot]net highlighting “UPSC Topper” as the subject line; we shall send the model interview questionnaire and details.
Thanks and all the very best in your career and life! Be an asset to the nation!
Those who missed selection this year – read this!
First of all, don’t lose your confidence or self-esteem. The point here is not to lose focus. Very often the only difference between success and failure is one more try.
If you have attempts left for this year, start preparing right away – with new vigour.
UPSC Prelims 2020 date is October 04, 2020. Join IAS EXPRESS’s Mindmap Learning Programme (MLP) to get the extra edge you need now.
Those who don’t have an attempt left, realize that UPSC is not the end of your life. Whatever experience you gained in the UPSC exam process would have changed your way of thinking. You will never live a mediocre life. Your destination is different. Find it and strive for success there.
All the very best!