India’s Lithium dependency

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IAS EXPRESS Vs UPSC Prelims 2024: 80+ questions reflected

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Lithium: The most sought-after mineral

  • Lithium has been among the most sought-after mineral during the past few years, largely on the back of its usage in battery manufacturing.
  • India is at odds with a major import source for the mineral, China.

What the editorial is about?

  • The reasons why Lithium dependency is a worrying factor for India.

Why is India looking for lithium?

Electric vehicles

  • India has been scouting for lithium reserves as the mineral is a key component of lithium-ion batteries, the demand for which has surged amid the Centre’s push to boost the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country.

Production-linked incentive scheme

  • The production-linked incentive scheme for advanced chemistry cell (ACC) battery storage, a flagship incentive scheme for the industry has kicked off and the supply of lithium, which is largely an imported product, has declined.

The diplomatic tussle with China

  • With India being in a diplomatic tussle with China, the supplies from the neighbouring country have declined and India too is looking for other import avenues.

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Why has the supply of lithium declined?

Surge in demand

  • The supply of lithium has not been in line with the surge in demand from electric vehicle makers across the world.

The mismatch between demand and supply

  • China also is witnessing a mismatch between demand and supply, which has led to a rise in prices.

Does India produce lithium?

  • India is dependent on imports for lithium as production in the country is minimal.
  • India was importing the by-product, lithium-ion batteries.
  • The first traces of lithium have been found in Karnataka’s Mandya district.
  • The preliminary find is relatively small, with just about 1,600 tonnes of lithium deposits.

Who are the major lithium producers?

  • Australia was the largest lithium producer in 2021, according to US Geological Survey.
  • Chile and China have been ranked second.

What is India doing to source lithium?

  • India is searching for domestic reserves and looking for newer countries to source the mineral.
  • Recently, India committed to jointly invest $6 million with the Australian government to explore lithium and cobalt mines there over the next six months.
  • Khanij Bidesh India Ltd (KABIL) has signed a preliminary agreement with Australia’s Critical Minerals Facilitation Office.
  • In 2020, KABIL also signed a pact with an Argentine firm to jointly explore lithium in the South American country.

Way Forward

NITI Aayog report

  • A NITI Aayog report in 2017 estimated that India’s EV battery market alone could be worth $300 billion from 2017 to 2030 if India could rapidly transition to EVs.
  • According to the report, the growth in EV adoption would bring social and economic benefits as dependence on imports reduces, public health improves, and renewables are integrated into the grid.
  • The report highlights India’s lack of lithium reserves but offers a solution to the issue.

A solution offered in the report

  • According to the report, India will have the opportunity to produce both battery cells and packs, while importing only the cathode or its raw materials from mineral-rich regions. In this scenario, India stands to capture nearly 80 per cent of the total economic opportunity.
  • Hence, a focus on battery manufacturing could allow India to capitalise on the EV boom.
A way to reduce the imports
  • The report also believes that the imports of some of the battery components would be more than offset by the lower imports of oils, allowing the country to reduce imports.
  • According to the report, India could also scale its operations and become an exporter of batteries as well.
Hope for a stable supply in the future
  • Further, as countries such as Bolivia focus on ramping up lithium production, we could see a relatively more stable supply in the future.
Newer technologies
  • In addition, newer technologies are being worked on to make EV manufacturing more cost-effective, and less reliant on rare elements.

But till then, India must take steps to prevent lithium from becoming a weakness for the country.

Practice Question for Mains

  1. Discuss how India can secure Lithium supplies as renewable energy and EV industry make rapid strides. (250 Words, 15 Marks)
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