Which one of the following is the context in which the term “qubit” is mentioned?

(a) Cloud Services

(b) Quantum Computing

(c) Visible Light Communication Technologies

(d) Wireless Communication Technologies


The term “qubit” is mentioned in the context of (b) Quantum Computing.

Here is a brief explanation of each option:

(a) Cloud Services

  • Cloud services refer to the delivery of computing resources, such as storage, processing power, and applications, over the internet.
  • Examples include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • While quantum computing can be accessed through cloud services, the term “qubit” is not specific to cloud services.

(b) Quantum Computing

  • A qubit, or quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information.
  • Qubits are two-state quantum-mechanical systems that can exist in a superposition of both states, unlike classical bits that can only be in one state at a time.
  • Quantum computing uses qubits to perform complex calculations and solve problems that are difficult or impossible for classical computers.

(c) Visible Light Communication Technologies

  • Visible light communication (VLC) uses visible light as a transmission medium for telecommunications.
  • VLC is a subset of optical wireless communications technologies and does not involve qubits.

(d) Wireless Communication Technologies

  • Wireless communication technologies enable the transmission of data and information without the use of physical connections, such as cables or wires.
  • Examples include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular networks.
  • Qubits are not specifically related to wireless communication technologies.

Learn more

  • Quantum Computing is a field that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations and solve problems that are difficult or impossible for classical computers.
  • Qubits are the basic units of quantum information and can exist in a superposition of both states, unlike classical bits that can only be in one state at a time.
  • Quantum computing uses principles such as superposition and entanglement to perform calculations more efficiently than classical computers.
  • Various physical systems, such as electrons, photons, or ions, can be used to represent qubits.
  • Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, optimization, and drug discovery.

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