What is mean by public interest? What are the principles and procedures to be followed by the civil servants in public interest? (150 words)

Public interest refers to the well-being of the general public and society as a whole, rather than the interests of specific individuals or groups. In the context of public administration, civil servants are expected to act in the public interest by ensuring that public resources are used effectively and efficiently to provide services and benefits to citizens.

Principles to be followed by civil servants in public interest:

  • Accountability: Civil servants should be accountable for their actions and decisions, and ensure that they are transparent and open to public scrutiny.
  • Impartiality: Civil servants should act in an impartial and objective manner, and avoid any conflicts of interest that may compromise their decision-making.
  • Fairness: Civil servants should treat all citizens equally and fairly, and ensure that public resources are distributed fairly and transparently.
  • Ethics: Civil servants should uphold the ethical standards of their profession, and act in a manner that is consistent with the principles of integrity, honesty, and respect for the rule of law.

Procedures to be followed by civil servants in public interest:

  • Consultation: Civil servants should consult with stakeholders and citizens to ensure that public policies and programs are responsive to their needs and priorities.
  • Evaluation: Civil servants should evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies and programs, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that they are achieving their intended outcomes.
  • Transparency: Civil servants should ensure that their actions and decisions are transparent and open to public scrutiny, and provide the public with access to information about government programs and services.
  • Collaboration: Civil servants should collaborate with other stakeholders and partners to ensure that public policies and programs are implemented effectively and efficiently.

In summary, civil servants are expected to act in the public interest by adhering to principles of accountability, impartiality, fairness, and ethics, and by following procedures such as consultation, evaluation, transparency, and collaboration.

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