Discuss the types of organised crime. Describe the linkages between terrorists and organised crime that exist at the national and transnational levels. (150 words) [2022]

Organized crime refers to illegal activities that are carried out by groups or organizations with a hierarchical structure and a high level of coordination and planning. There are several different types of organized crime, including:

  1. Drug trafficking: This involves the production, distribution, and sale of illegal drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.
  2. Human trafficking: This involves the exploitation of people for the purposes of labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of exploitation.
  3. Money laundering: This involves the use of financial transactions to conceal the proceeds of criminal activity and make them appear legitimate.
  4. Extortion: This involves the use of threats or intimidation to obtain money or other favors from individuals or businesses.
  5. Fraud: This involves the use of deception to obtain money or other benefits through false representation or misdirection.

There are linkages between terrorists and organized crime at both the national and transnational levels. At the national level, terrorists may use organized crime networks to obtain funding, weapons, and other resources. At the transnational level, terrorists may engage in organized crime activities, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and money laundering, to fund their operations and support their activities. These linkages can pose a significant threat to national and international security, and require a coordinated and comprehensive approach to counter them.

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