Defining blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India. (250 words)

Blue Revolution refers to the sustainable and holistic development of fisheries in India. It aims to increase fish production, enhance livelihood opportunities for fisherfolk, promote aquaculture, and ensure food security for the growing population. The Blue Revolution was launched in 2015, and it focuses on the following areas:

  1. Marine Fisheries: Promoting sustainable fishing practices, conserving marine resources, and modernizing the fishing industry.
  2. Inland Fisheries: Developing freshwater aquaculture, enhancing fish production from reservoirs, and promoting the sustainable use of wetlands.
  3. Aquaculture: Encouraging fish farming, promoting fish seed production, and enhancing fish feed technology.

Problems in Pisciculture Development in India:

  1. Low Productivity: The productivity of the fish farming sector is low due to outdated technology, lack of quality inputs, and poor management practices.
  2. Low Profitability: The low market price of fish, high input cost, and lack of market linkages make fish farming an unprofitable venture for small and marginal farmers.
  3. Water Pollution: Water pollution due to industrial and domestic waste, and intensive agriculture practices pose a threat to fish farming.
  4. Disease Outbreaks: Diseases such as bacterial infections, viral diseases, and parasites are common in fish farms and can lead to huge losses.

Strategies for Pisciculture Development in India:

  1. Capacity Building: Providing training and extension services to fish farmers to enhance their technical knowledge and skills.
  2. Technology Adoption: Promoting the use of modern and efficient fish farming technologies such as recirculatory aquaculture systems and biofloc technology.
  3. Market Linkages: Developing market linkages for fish farmers to ensure better prices for their produce.
  4. Institutional Support: Providing institutional support to fish farmers through credit facilities, insurance schemes, and subsidies.
  5. Water Resource Management: Ensuring water resource management practices that promote sustainable use of water resources.
  6. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of fish seed and feed through quality control measures.
  7. Environmental Protection: Promoting environmentally sustainable aquaculture practices to ensure the long-term viability of the sector.

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