“Besides being a moral imperative of Welfare State, primary health structure is a necessary pre-condition for sustainable development.” Analyze. (150 words) [2021]

It is true that a strong primary health structure is both a moral imperative for a welfare state and a necessary pre-condition for sustainable development. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Moral imperative: A welfare state is one that is committed to the well-being of its citizens and provides social and economic support to those in need. Providing access to quality healthcare is an essential part of this commitment, and a strong primary health structure is necessary to ensure that all citizens have access to healthcare services.
  2. Pre-condition for sustainable development: A strong primary health structure is also a necessary pre-condition for sustainable development. This is because good health is a fundamental human need and an important contributor to economic and social development. A strong primary health structure can improve the health and productivity of the population, which can in turn drive economic growth and development.
  3. Reduces the burden on other healthcare systems: A well-functioning primary healthcare system can also reduce the burden on other levels of the healthcare system, such as hospitals. By providing preventive and early intervention services at the community level, primary healthcare can help to prevent the development of more serious health conditions that require more expensive and specialized care.

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