IAS EXPRESS Vs UPSC Prelims 2019

2019 Prelims (one of the toughest) could have been easily beaten by an aspirant if he/she had followed IAS EXPRESS’s integrated approach (Static+Current, Prelims+Mains) through Static Mindmaps and Current articles (with mindmaps).
It is apparent from the number of hits in this year’s paper. Yes!!! Around 120+ Marks worth of questions could be easily answered with our static syllabus mindmaps and current affairs articles. 90% of those questions even the difficult ones could be answered directly. Download the PDF below to learn more.
Update: It has to be noted that, these hits are only from static mindmaps and mains articles, not including current mindmaps (prelims) which has been launched only on Jan 1, 2020. Hence, in 2020, the hit ratio is going to be even higher than in 2019.
[wcm_nonmember]If you are preparing for UPSC 2020, it is the right time to join our revolutionary learning programme as our contents will not just provide you with key concepts but also makes sure that you understand and remember those concepts better. So make hay while the sun shines by becoming a member of IAS EXPRESS.
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