India-Mexico ties

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71 years of diplomatic relations

  • In 2021, Mexico and India commemorated 71 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Over the years

  • Links between India and Mexico have evolved positively in recent years, demonstrating the complementarities between the two ancient countries, rich in history and diversity.

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Major Spheres of Cooperation


  • Although it was started less than a decade ago, this has enormous potential for the Mexican Space Agency and for regional initiatives such as the recently established Latin American and Caribbean Space Agency (ALCE) of which Mexico is the founder.


  • In the economic sphere, Mexico’s links with India, the sixth-largest economy in the world and our tenth-largest trading partner, undoubtedly offer a wide range of prospects for Mexico’s productive sectors.

Health sector

  • Mexico will strengthen its cooperation with India as one of the leading global producers of medicines and will also seek joint pharmaceutical manufacturing.

International forum


  • Mexico and India are members of the G-20, which brings together 20 of the largest economies in the world and whose presidency in 2023 will be assumed by India.


  • Both countries are non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council this year.

At both forums, India and Mexico will contribute decisively to world peace and security, and will put poverty reduction at the centre of the multilateral debate.

Way forward

  • Effective institutional frameworks, as well as businesses and people-to-people networks, are required for bringing India and Mexico together.
  • Political initiatives need to be supported by economic and social interaction.

Practice Question for Mains

  1. Discuss the areas of cooperation between India and Mexico. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
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