Briefly mention the alignment of major mountain ranges of the world and explain their impact on local weather conditions, with examples. (250 words) [2021]

The alignment of major mountain ranges and their impact on local weather conditions is a crucial aspect of understanding global climate patterns.


  • Alignment: The Himalayas stretch across five countries: Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, running in an east-west direction.
  • Impact on weather: The Himalayas act as a barrier to the cold winds from Central Asia, preventing them from reaching the Indian subcontinent, thus maintaining a warmer climate in the region. They also cause the orographic effect, leading to heavy rainfall on the windward side during the Indian monsoon season.


  • Alignment: The Andes mountain range extends along the western coast of South America, running in a north-south direction.
  • Impact on weather: The Andes influence the climate by creating a rain shadow effect on the eastern side, resulting in arid conditions in regions like the Atacama Desert. On the western side, the mountains cause orographic lift, leading to increased precipitation and creating a more humid climate.

Rocky Mountains:

  • Alignment: The Rocky Mountains stretch from the northernmost part of British Columbia in Canada to the southwestern United States, running in a north-south direction.
  • Impact on weather: The Rockies create a rain shadow effect on the eastern side, leading to drier conditions in the Great Plains. On the western side, the mountains cause orographic lift, resulting in increased precipitation and a more humid climate.


  • Alignment: The Alps are located in Central Europe, stretching across eight countries, running in an east-west direction.
  • Impact on weather: The Alps act as a barrier to the cold winds from the north, creating a milder climate in the southern regions of Europe. They also cause the orographic effect, leading to increased precipitation on the windward side and creating a rain shadow effect on the leeward side.

In conclusion, the alignment of major mountain ranges plays a significant role in shaping local weather conditions. They can act as barriers to cold winds, create rain shadow effects, and cause orographic lift, leading to varied climates in the surrounding regions. Understanding these impacts is essential for predicting and managing weather patterns and their effects on human activities.

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