With reference to ancient Indian History, consider the following pairs:

1. Devichandragupta : Bilhana

2. Hammira-Mahakavya : Nayachandra Suri

3. Milinda-panha : Nagarjuna

4. Nitivakyamrita : Somadeva Suri

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four

The correct answer is (b). Only two of the above pairs are correctly matched.

Devichandragupta was written by Viśākhadatta, not Bilhana. Hammira-Mahakavya was written by Nayachandra Suri, so this pair is correctly matched. Milinda-panha was written by Nāgasena, not Nagarjuna. Nitivakyamrita was written by Somadeva Suri, so this pair is also correctly matched.

Therefore, only two of the above pairs are correctly matched.

More Explanation:

  • Option 1: Devichandragupta was written by Viśākhadatta, not Bilhana. Viśākhadatta was a Sanskrit playwright who lived in the 6th century CE. He is best known for his two plays, Mudrārākṣasa and Devichandraguptam. Bilhana was a Kashmiri poet who lived in the 12th century CE. He is best known for his two epics, Vikramārkacarita and Chaurangī.
  • Option 2: Hammira-Mahakavya was written by Nayachandra Suri. Nayachandra Suri was a Kashmiri poet who lived in the 12th century CE. He is best known for his epic poem, Hammira-Mahakavya, which tells the story of Hammira, the last Hindu ruler of the kingdom of Anhilwada Patan.
  • Option 3: Milinda-panha was written by Nāgasena, not Nagarjuna. Nāgasena was a Buddhist monk who lived in the 1st century CE. He is best known for his dialogue with the Greek king Menander I, which is recorded in the text Milinda-panha. Nagarjuna was a Buddhist philosopher who lived in the 2nd century CE. He is best known for his Madhyamaka school of thought.
  • Option 4: Nitivakyamrita was written by Somadeva Suri. Somadeva Suri was a Kashmiri scholar who lived in the 12th century CE. He is best known for his encyclopedic work, Nitivakyamrita, which is a collection of wise sayings and advice on a variety of topics.
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