What are the basic principles of public life? Illustrate any three of these with suitable examples. (150 words)

The basic principles of public life are ethical values and standards that guide the behavior of public officials and public servants. These principles are fundamental for a functional democracy, as they ensure that public officials act in the public interest and not in their own self-interest. The main principles of public life are accountability, transparency, integrity, honesty, and impartiality.

Accountability means that public officials are responsible for their actions and decisions, and they must be answerable to the public. For example, elected representatives are accountable to their constituents, and they must regularly report their actions and decisions to them.

Transparency means that public officials must operate in an open and transparent manner, allowing the public to access information and scrutinize their actions. For instance, public institutions should make their budgets and expenditures public to ensure transparency and accountability.

Integrity means that public officials must act in the best interest of the public and not their own personal interests. For example, when making policy decisions, public officials should consider the long-term effects on the public and not make decisions that benefit themselves or their associates.

In conclusion, the principles of public life are essential for ensuring the proper functioning of democratic societies. When public officials adhere to these principles, they promote trust, confidence, and accountability in government institutions, and they contribute to the effective and efficient delivery of public services.

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