Fruit Trees

TreeScientific NameHeight (m)LifespanNative RegionClimate SuitabilityWood UseOther UsesCultural ImportanceSpecial FeatureEnvironmental Role
AppleMalus domestica5-1250-100 yrsCentral AsiaTemperateNot widely usedEdible fruit; cider productionSymbol of health and knowledgeProduces diverse apple varietiesSupports pollinators
OrangeCitrus sinensis6-1050-80 yrsSoutheast AsiaSubtropical, TropicalNot used commerciallyEdible fruit; juice productionCelebrated in Chinese New YearHigh Vitamin C contentAttracts bees and insects
PeachPrunus persica3-620-30 yrsChinaTemperate, SubtropicalNot used commerciallyEdible fruit; skin care productsSymbol of longevity in Chinese cultureSoft, fuzzy skinProvides nectar for pollinators
PearPyrus spp.5-1550-100 yrsEurope, AsiaTemperateUsed for furnitureEdible fruit; ornamentalSymbol of wisdom in ancient culturesDistinctive teardrop shapeImproves air quality
PlumPrunus domestica3-620-30 yrsEurope, AsiaTemperateNot used commerciallyEdible fruit; dried as prunesRepresents resilience in folkloreWide variety of colorsAttracts pollinators
AvocadoPersea americana10-20200-400 yrsCentral AmericaTropical, SubtropicalNot used widelyEdible fruit; oil for cosmeticsSacred to the AztecsRich in healthy fatsProvides shade and stabilizes soil
OliveOlea europaea3-15500-1000+ yrsMediterraneanWarm, DryHard, dense woodOlive oil; edible fruitSymbol of peace in many culturesExtremely long-livedHelps prevent soil erosion
FigFicus carica5-1050-75 yrsMiddle East, West AsiaWarm, DryNot used widelyEdible fruit; medicinal usesMentioned in religious textsProduces multiple harvests annuallyHabitat for diverse insects
LemonCitrus limon3-650-80 yrsSoutheast AsiaTropical, SubtropicalNot used commerciallyEdible fruit; cleaning productsUsed in detox and healing ritualsHigh acidity; strong aromaAttracts pollinators
PapayaCarica papaya3-105-10 yrsCentral AmericaTropical, SubtropicalNot used commerciallyEdible fruit; medicinal usesKnown as “fruit of the angels”Produces fruit year-roundImproves soil fertility

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