Customs and traditions suppress reason leading to obscurantism. Do you agree? (250 words) [2020]

There is ongoing debate about the relationship between customs and traditions, on the one hand, and reason and enlightenment, on the other hand. Some people argue that customs and traditions suppress reason and contribute to obscurantism, while others argue that customs and traditions can be a source of wisdom and insight, and can enrich and enrich our understanding of the world.

Here are some points to consider when examining the relationship between customs and traditions, and reason and enlightenment:

  1. Customs and traditions as social norms: Customs and traditions are social norms and practices that are passed down from generation to generation, and are shaped by the cultural, social, and historical context of a particular community. They may include beliefs, values, rituals, and ways of life that are specific to a particular culture or group. Customs and traditions can provide a sense of identity and belonging, and can help to maintain social cohesion and stability.
  2. Customs and traditions as sources of knowledge: Some customs and traditions may be based on accumulated knowledge and experience, and may reflect insights and wisdom that are relevant to the community or culture in which they are practiced. For example, traditional medical practices may be based on an understanding of the properties and uses of various herbs and other natural remedies, and may be effective in treating certain conditions.
  3. Customs and traditions as sources of conflict: However, customs and traditions can also be sources of conflict and tension, particularly when they are at odds with reason or enlightenment. For example, customs and traditions that discriminate against certain groups of people or that are based on superstition or myth may be seen as incompatible with reason and enlightenment.
  4. Reason and enlightenment as guiding principles: Reason and enlightenment are principles that are associated with the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and progress, and that are based on the use of evidence, logic, and critical thinking. They can be seen as a way of illuminating and clarifying the world, and as a means of promoting the well-being and flourishing of individuals and societies.

In conclusion, the relationship between customs and traditions, and reason and enlightenment, is complex and multifaceted, and depends on a variety of factors. While customs and traditions may be sources of knowledge and insight, they can also be sources of conflict and tension, and may need to be reevaluated and revised in light of reason and enlightenment.

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