Attitude is an important component that goes as input in the development of human beings. How to build a suitable attitude needed for a public servant? (150 words) [2021]

  1. A public servant should understand the role and responsibilities of their position. This includes a focus on serving the public and working towards the betterment of the community.
  2. Honesty and integrity are essential qualities for a public servant. Being truthful and transparent in their work can help them build trust with the public and their colleagues.
  3. Respect and courteousness are important for a public servant to practice when interacting with a diverse group of people, including those with different viewpoints or opinions.
  4. A positive attitude can help a public servant stay motivated and focused, as well as build strong relationships with colleagues and the public.
  5. It is important for a public servant to be open to feedback and be willing to learn and improve in order to stay updated on best practices and be effective in their work.
  6. Professionalism, including punctuality, appropriate dress, and a professional demeanor, is crucial for a public servant to practice. By following these guidelines, a public servant can develop the right attitude needed to be effective and respected in their position.

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