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Anthropology (Optional) Mind Map Notes + Related Current Affairs
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How to use -
Samples4 Submodules
PAPER 1Meaning, scope and development of Anthropology
Relationships with other disciplines6 Submodules
Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance
Human Evolution and emergence of Man3 Submodules
Biological and Cultural factors in human evolution
Theories of Organic Evolution (PreDarwinian, Darwinian and Post-Darwinian)
Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology (Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence, adaptive radiation, and mosaic evolution)
Biological and Cultural factors in human evolution
Primates7 Submodules
Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following:5 Submodules
Plio-pleistocene hominids in South and East Africa – Australopithecines
Homo erectus: Africa (Paranthropus), Europe (Homo erectus heidelbergensis), Asia (Homo erectus javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis)
Neanderthal Man- La-Chapelle-auxsaints (Classical type), Mt. Carmel (Progressive type)
Rhodesian man
Homo sapiens — Cromagnon, Grimaldi, and Chancelede
Plio-pleistocene hominids in South and East Africa – Australopithecines
The biological basis of life5 Submodules
Archaeology, Chronology & Cultural Evolution7 Submodules
Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology; Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating methods
[Cultural Evolution] Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures - Palaeolithic
[Cultural Evolution] Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures - Mesolithic
[Cultural Evolution] Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures - Neolithic
[Cultural Evolution] Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures - Chalcolithic
[Cultural Evolution] Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures - Copper-Bronze Age
[Cultural Evolution] Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures - Iron Age
Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology; Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating methods
The Nature of Culture3 Submodules
The Nature of Society5 Submodules
Marriage6 Submodules
Marriage: Definition and universality
Laws of marriage (endogamy, exogamy, hypergamy, hypogamy, incest taboo)
Types of marriage (monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, group marriage)
Functions of marriage
Marriage regulations (preferential, prescriptive and proscriptive)
Marriage payments (bride wealth and dowry)
Marriage: Definition and universality
Family5 Submodules
Kinship6 Submodules
Kinship: Consanguinity and Affinity
Principles and types of descent (Unilineal, Double, Bilateral, Ambilineal)
Forms of descent groups (lineage, clan, phratry, moiety and kindred)
Kinship terminology (descriptive and classificatory)
Descent, Filiation and Complimentary Filiation
Descent and Alliance Theories in Kinship Studies
Kinship: Consanguinity and Affinity
Economic organization5 Submodules
Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology
Formalist and Substantivist debate
Principles governing production, distribution and exchange in communities - Reciprocity, redistribution and market
Principles governing production, distribution and exchange in communities - Subsisting on hunting and gathering, fishing, etc
Globalization and indigenous economic systems
Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology
Political organization and Social Control3 Submodules
Religion7 Submodules
Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional)
Monotheism and polytheism
Sacred and profane
Myths and rituals
Forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism)
Religion, magic and science distinguished
Magicoreligious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch)
Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional)
Anthropological theories13 Submodules
Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer)
Historical particularism (Boas)
Diffusionism (British, German and American)
Functionalism (Malinowski)
Structural-Functionalism (Radcliffe-Brown)
Structuralism (L’evi – Strauss and E.Leach)
Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner and Cora – du Bois)
Neo – evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service)
Cultural materialism (Harris)
Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz)
Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin)
Post- modernism in anthropology
Multilinear evolutionism
Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer)
Culture, language and communication3 Submodules
Research methods in anthropology4 Submodules
Fieldwork tradition in anthropology
Distinction between technique, method and methodology
Tools of data collection: observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire, Case study, genealogy, life-history, oral history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods
Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data
Fieldwork tradition in anthropology
Human Genetics: Methods & Application4 Submodules
Mendelian genetics3 Submodules
Concept of genetic polymorphism, Mendelian population, etc4 Submodules
Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection
Mendelian population, HardyWeinberg law
Causes and changes which bring down frequency – mutation, isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift
Consanguineous and non-consanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages
Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection
Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology5 Submodules
Chromosomes – Intro
Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders)
Sex chromosomal aberrations – Klinefelter (XXY), Turner (XO), Super female (XXX), intersex and other syndromic disorders
Autosomal aberrations – Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri-du-chat syndromes
Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic counseling, human DNA profiling, gene mapping and genome study
Chromosomes – Intro
Race and racism5 Submodules
Age, Sex, Population, Physiological Characteristics2 Submodules
Ecological Anthropology4 Submodules
Epidemiological Anthropology4 Submodules
Concept of human growth and development8 Submodules
Demography4 Submodules
Applications of Anthropology6 Submodules
PAPER 2Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization4 Submodules
Palaeo (Anthropological evidences from India with special reference to Siwaliks and Narmada basin)4 Submodules
Ethno-archaeology in India3 Submodules
Demographic profile of India3 Submodules
The structure and nature of traditional Indian social system4 Submodules
Caste system in India7 Submodules
Sacred Complex and Nature2 Submodules
Impact of Religion on Indian society3 Submodules
Emergence and growth of anthropology in India3 Submodules
Indian Village5 Submodules
Linguistic and religious minorities2 Submodules
Indigenous and exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian society7 Submodules
Tribal situation in India5 Submodules
Problems of the tribal Communities5 Submodules
Development Projects & Tribes4 Submodules
SC, ST & OBCs5 Submodules
Social change and contemporary tribal societies3 Submodules
Ethnicity & Tribes7 Submodules
Impact of religions on tribes5 Submodules
Tribe and nation state: a comparative study of tribal communities in India and other countries.
Tribal Administration & Development10 Submodules
Tribes during colonial period
History of administration of tribal areas
History of tribal policies
History of tribal plans
History of tribal programmes
Implementation of policies, plans, programmes of tribal development
The concept of PTGs (Primitive Tribal Groups)
PVTG distribution
Special programmes for PVTG development
Role of N.G.O.s in tribal development
Tribes during colonial period
Role of anthropology in tribal & rural development
Contributions of anthropology3 Submodules
RELATED CURRENT AFFAIRSRelated current affairs
Module 2,
Submodule 4
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