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Geography (Optional) Mind Map Notes + Related Current Affairs

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    How to use, Sources & Abbreviations
  2. [Paper 1] Continental drift & plate tectonics
  3. [Paper 2] Physiographic regions of India
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  5. Climatology
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  6. Oceanography
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  7. Biogeography
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  8. Environmental Geography
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  9. Perspectives in Human Geography
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  10. Economic Geography
    10 Submodules
  11. Population and Settlement Geography
    5 Submodules
  12. Regional Planning
    9 Submodules
  13. Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography
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    Physical Setting
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  15. Resources
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  16. Agriculture
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  17. Industry
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  18. Transport, Communication, and Trade
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  19. Cultural Setting
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  20. Settlements
    9 Submodules
  21. Regional Development and Planning
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  22. Political Aspects
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  23. Contemporary Issues: Ecological issues
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    Related current affairs
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In the realm of Earth’s climate and energy balance, understanding the concept of the heat budget is crucial. The heat budget of Earth refers to the equilibrium between the influx and outflux of solar energy within Earth’s atmospheric system. It plays a significant role in regulating the average temperature of our planet and has profound implications for climate change and global warming. In this module, we will delve into the intricacies of the heat budget and explore two ways of representing it.

Pictorial Depiction of the Heat Budget

One way to comprehend the heat budget is through a pictorial representation. By visualizing the energy flow, we can gain a better understanding of the processes involved. The budget consists of two main components: inflow and outflow.


The primary source of energy for Earth is the Sun, which supplies 99.9% of all the energy incident on our planet. At a height of 800km, the solar influx measures approximately 1.99 calories per minute per square centimeter, known as the Solar Constant. This influx of solar energy is the total solar energy received by Earth’s atmospheric system.


The Earth can be likened to an efficient heat engine. It acts as a perfect black body that receives and distributes energy within its atmospheric system, ultimately releasing it. The outflow of energy from Earth includes both instantaneous and delayed processes.

Definition of the Heat Budget

The heat budget can be defined as the net energy exchange within the complete Earth-Atmospheric system. It aims to achieve balance, wherein the net energy exchange is zero. However, it is important to note that this balance is not uniform across all latitudes.

Low Latitudes

At low latitudes, Earth is a net gainer of energy. The surplus energy received contributes to the overall heat budget.

High Latitudes

Conversely, high latitudes become a net source of energy within the heat budget. These regions release more energy than they receive, influencing atmospheric and oceanic circulations.

International Energy Exchange

All atmospheric processes related to international energy exchange drive atmospheric circulations and oceanic circulations. These processes are interconnected and integral to maintaining the delicate balance of the heat budget.

Impact of Disruptions

Disruptions in the atmospheric composition or changes in surface properties can cause disturbances in the heat budget. These disruptions, if persistent, manifest as climate change and global warming.

The Average Temperature of Earth

Despite consistently receiving solar radiations, the average temperature of Earth remains around 15 degrees Celsius. This intriguing fact highlights the intricate mechanisms of the heat budget, which prevent our planet from becoming progressively hotter.

Concepts in Heat Budget

To grasp the complexities of the heat budget, it is essential to understand several key concepts:

  1. Energy Balance: The complete Earth-Atmospheric system strives for a balanced heat energy exchange, where the net energy exchange equals zero.
  2. Regional Variation: While the heat budget aims for balance, it is not uniform across all latitudes. Different regions experience varying degrees of energy gain or loss.
  3. Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations: The heat budget drives atmospheric and oceanic circulations, which are essential for the functioning of Earth’s climate system.
  4. Delicate Process: The maintenance of the heat budget is a delicate process, intricately connected to various other interactions within the Earth-Atmospheric system.
  5. Disruptions and Climate Change: Disruptions in the heat budget caused by changes in atmospheric composition or surface properties can lead to climate change and global warming.
  6. Heat Retention and Temperature: The heat budget explains how a certain amount of energy is held back for some time, contributing to the global average temperatures we observe.

Concept of Cycles and Budgets

Understanding the concept of cycles and budgets is another key aspect of comprehending the heat budget. This concept expresses the principle of equilibrium in a quantitative manner, highlighting the rates of change between different states in the cycle.

Over geological timescales, all processes on Earth are based on a constant reservoir of materials. While the forms in which these materials exist change constantly, they maintain a state of equilibrium. This dynamic equilibrium necessitates cyclic changes in various processes to sustain the balance.

Shortwave Radiation in the Heat Budget

Shortwave radiation plays a crucial role in the heat budget. It refers to the solar radiation incident on Earth, primarily in the UV and visible spectrum. Understanding the distribution and interaction of shortwave radiation is vital for comprehending the heat budget’s intricacies.

Approximately 15 units of shortwave radiation are absorbed in Earth’s atmosphere through two primary processes: stratospheric absorption by ozone and tropospheric absorption by clouds and aerosols. Additionally, 50 units of solar insolation are absorbed at the surface, with 25 units being scattered in the atmosphere and subsequently absorbed at the surface as diffused insolation. The remaining 25 units are absorbed directly at the surface as direct insolation.

Shortwave radiation absorbed at the surface is subject to three main losses: reflection back to space. Approximately 4 units are returned to space from surface reflection, 25 units are reflected by clouds, and 6 units are scattered back to space. This results in a total loss of 35 units of shortwave radiation.

Longwave Radiation in the Heat Budget

Longwave radiation, or terrestrial radiation, is another critical component of the heat budget. It refers to the energy emitted by Earth’s surface and atmosphere in the form of infrared radiation.

The surface of Earth emits approximately 115 units of longwave radiation, with 5 units being directly lost to space and the remaining 110 units being absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These absorbed units are converted into heat energy and re-emitted as longwave radiation.

The atmosphere itself emits 155 units of longwave radiation. Of this, 60 units are lost directly to space, and 95 units travel to Earth’s surface, where they are absorbed and transferred into heat energy. Additionally, the atmosphere absorbs 15 units of shortwave radiation through atmospheric gases and clouds.

To maintain surface energy exchanges, several factors come into play. The atmospheric and cloud emissions of longwave radiation amount to +95 units, while the surface emissions account for -115 units. Heat transfers, including latent heat (-20 units) and sensible heat (-10 units), also contribute. To account for any missing energy, approximately -50 units are absorbed at Earth’s surface as direct and diffused shortwave radiation.

The Heat Budget of Earth in a Nutshell

In summary, the heat budget of Earth encompasses the intricate balance between the influx and outflux of solar energy within Earth’s atmospheric system. It is a complex mechanism that determines the average temperature of our planet and plays a crucial role in the functioning of Earth’s climate system.


The heat budget of Earth is a fundamental concept in understanding our planet’s climate and energy balance. By comprehending the influx and outflux of solar energy, we gain insights into the delicate processes that regulate Earth’s temperature. It is through this understanding that we can address and mitigate the challenges posed by climate change and global warming.

By delving into the intricacies of the heat budget, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of our planet’s climate system. The balance between inflow and outflow, the variations across latitudes, and the interplay of atmospheric and oceanic circulations all contribute to the delicate equilibrium that sustains our planet’s climate. Through ongoing research and a concerted global effort, we can work towards ensuring the preservation of this balance for generations to come.


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