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Prelims Sureshots - Repeated/Most-Probable Topics through Mindmaps & Table-Charts
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Complete list of amendments in Indian Constitution -
Government Agencies
[Table Chart] Comparison between various posts/bodies with respect to Tenure, Appointment, and Removal
Landmark Acts that Shaped India
Landmark Judgements that Shaped India
HISTORYImportant terms of Ancient India
Important terms of Medieval India
Important Terms of British India
Important Personalities of Modern India
[Table Chart] Indian Kingdoms & Founder Rulers
ECONOMYIndexes/Reports of Organizations
Important Economic Terms
ENVIRONMENTNatural Ecosystems (Types of forests, Grasslands, etc)
[Table Chart] Threatened species in India (IUCN Red list)
Scheduled Animals of WPA 1972
Protected Areas (National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, etc.)
India’s conservation efforts (Environmental Legislations, authorities, organisations, etc.)
Organism Facts (Ants, Cockroach, Spider, etc)
GEOGRAPHYInternational conservation efforts (Important environmental organisations, agreements, etc.)
Physiographic Regions of World
Climatic Regions of World
Oceans and Bordering Countries
Countries through which Equator, Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn passes
India - Minerals, Rivers, Lakes, Glaciers, Mountains, etc.
Major Waterfalls in India - their geographical region, Source river
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMajor Crops & Cropping Patterns
Space Missions (World and India)
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSSchemes & Welfare Programmes: Ministry-Wise Compilation
International Organisations, Groupings, and Agreements
Important Declarations
Joint Military Exercises
Important International Conventions
Module 5 of 33
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